The time to start !!

- Outfit -

☑ Memento mori
Mask: ::GB::Barb-wired mask (Woman) Black
Neclace: ::GB:: Barb-wired neclace (Woman) White

☑ Fantasy Gacha Carnival@Gacha
Harness: Moon Elixir - Gothique - 1 - Lara - Harness - RARE
Pants: Moon Elixir - Gothique - 2 - Lara - Pants - RARE
Sleeves: Moon Elixir - Gothique - 4 - Lara - Sleeves
Corset/Shirt: Moon Elixir - Gothique - 5 - Lara - Snow Corset & Shirt
Boots: Moon Elixir - Gothique - 20 - Lara - Snow Boots

☑ Gacha
Hair: *PH* disordered hair-II // #3-9
Dragon: Alchemy - Dragonette - ICE

Pose: Poseidon 2B Sword Girl 10

- Furniture -

Air_Ginyou (C2)_silver_CM
Air_Ginyou (D2)_silver_CM

-Garden- by anc "secret garden" ROSE {poet/blue}

{vespertine} - spooky cemetery gate 2016 - static / iron black

☑ Gacha
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Graveyard Altar - COMMON


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