I like this time.

- Outfit -

☑ uber
Shirt: ISON - lola wrap shirt (white)

Pants: GizzA - Mira / Sequin Jean [Retro]

Hair: TRUTH HAIR Fenella -  blondes

- Furniture -

☑ The Mens Dept 
Soy. Reclining Lounger [Allcolor] - A
Soy. Three Legged Floor Lamp [Orange]

☑ Gacha
11 [[RH]] CAFE IN THE PARK -Pot- (Red)
17 [[RH]] CAFE IN THE PARK -Strawberry cake-
-tres blah-  Hodgepodge - Morning Start
*ionic* radio tres
-tb- Bon Voyage - MP3 (Purple)
21.erratic / lsm - breakfast - granola

Soy. Sandbag Cuctas

{anc} flottante puppy. milk . layA 2Li


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