Seaside bar.

- Outfit -

Tops: {vincue} Mely+Top - Up [Maitreya]

☑ Group Gift & Gacha * New Open *
Bag: (: okidoki :) eco bag (group gift)
Hat: (: okidoki :) icecream hat RARE
Ice: (: okidoki :) common cat - choco

Hair: Doe: Nova (twotone) - Monotone

☑ Collabor 88
Pants: erratic / carrie - denim shorts / blue

Sandals: fri. - Buffy Sandals (Pewter) - Maitreya

Candy: CATWA Bento Lollipop

- Furniture -

{what next} Palisades Outdoor Bar & Stools
{what next} Palisades Bar Accessories 
{what next} Oasis Bloom Planters  - Set of 3
{what next} Summertime Bicycle Pose Prop (Seasons Hunt)

dust bunny . shade umbrella


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