Pirate gang !!

- Outfit -

☑ Group Gift
Mouth: [CX] Bitten 2017 Update (Silver+Catya)

☑ The Dark Style
Neck: [CX] Hell's Harbinger (Worn Leather+Corroded)

☑ Vip Group Gift
Hair: TRUTH VIP - May

☑ Gacha
Hat/Dress: Alchemy - Captain Wench - Small -Red RARE
Eyepatch: Violent Seduction - Rozen Eyepatch (Purple)
Shawl: CURELESS [+] Red Queen's Realm / Cheshire's Shawl / BLACKWHITE
Monkey: Alchemy -  Jack The Monkey

Hand: *katat0nik* (FEMALE / black) BENTO Iron Cage Hands

Tattoo: CURELESS [+] Branded Roses (v.1)
    CURELESS [+] Psychopomp Body / WHITE OPAQUE (v.1)

- Furniture -

CURELESS [+] Skeletal System / NOIR

{anc} mist cloud&nebra beads [Heavenlyblue]

.random.Matter. - Book of Sorrows [November DecoCrate]


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