☑ 077.


[ - Outfit - ]
☑ Mainstore
Dress: Insomnia Angel . Dumeril dress [FAT]

Socks: Insomnia Angel . Andre socks (Mait)

Choker: NINI Planet. TWS gift [TWS G'Gift]

Glasses: [CX] Farseer Glasses - Gold ' CerberusXing '
Hair: Exile -  Lysa 5 Color  Naturals pack
Horn: Air_Yasha (horn A)_black+gold_CM
Rings: Vibing -- Aimee Rings -- MAITREYA ONLY

Wing: CURELESS[+] Incubus&Succubus / Lilim Wings UNRIG / RARE
Gloves: amias - ABBE gloves 2 black -
Shoes: Insomnia Angel . angelmaker - lolita shoes [FAT]

[ - Makeup - ]
Skin: (Enfer Sombre*) Genus Skin - Albino - Rain {Bare}
Eyes: E.Circus - It Girl Eyes / Red ' Emotional Circus '
Ear: ^^Swallow^^ Pixie Ears 0.1

[ - Decoration - ]
Gates: 3rd Eye_ Gates Of Avalon V2 ( Keyhole )

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