160. Wake up now, or you will be late.

[ - Outfit - ]
☑ Fameshed
Hair: [monso] My Hair - Xena

☑ SaNaRae
Lip: (Enfer Sombre*) Genus Lipstick applier - Glass

Skin: (Enfer Sombre*) Genus Skin applier - Kate {Moon} RARE @Gacha
Sweater: AMITOMO - Juicy Cherry Gacha - 10
Jeans: Tres Blah - Flared Jeans - Original Wash
Pose: Insomnia Angel . gdgd lazy poses

[ - Decoration - ]
☑ Kustom9 ( October round )
Refrigerator: Soy. One Door Fridge [Green]

House: Soy. Apartment [Jyoukyo-House]
Kitchen: Soy. The Kitchen - PG
Gus: Soy. Gus Burner
Frying pan: Soy. Frying pan [prop]
Water Heater: Soy. Water Heater
Table&Chair: Soy. Aged Flower Picnic Table&Chair Set 

Herbal: {vespertine} - herbal garden harvest FATPACK

Bread: Apple Fall Poppy Seed Loaves
Teapot: Apple Fall Enamel Teapot
Rolling PinsApple Fall Rolling Pins Assorted

Kitty: JIAN Kitty Shelving :: Cushioned Loafin'

☑ Gacha
Toaster oven: Second Spaces - Small Appliances - toaster oven teal
Utensils: hive // kitchen utensils
Knife: hive // knife set
Heater: Soy. Retro Electronic Heater [Red]
Rug: Soy. OSC- RUG - Grass green
Bowl: dust bunny . sweetheart lunch . strawberry salad serving bowl
Plate: dust bunny . breakfast plate
Toast: dust bunny . toast basket
Pretzels: dust bunny . sweetheart lunch . soft pretzels
Posters: Bee Designs Funny Pet Posters  15


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