Red answer.

- Outfit -

☑ The Seasons Story
Hair: [BAD HAIR DAY] - Fanaa Style 01

☑ Project se7en
Hair Stick: *N*Crumpled-Boke- Hair Stick Red ' NAMINOKE '

☑ Japonica winter 2017-2018
Kimono: [Ay] JW2017 MikoMiko Byakue Black 艶yakko Ade yakko '
Stol: [Ay] JW2017 MikoMiko Stol White

Eye shadow: ::c.A.:: Kikuri [cosmetics] Catwa Applier 

Feet Tattoo: violetta. -dirty hands&feet(red)

Geta: tomoto, bell geta FAT  ( Gacha )

Pose: Bauhaus Movement - F*ck The Mainstream 13

‐ Decoration -

Soy. Snow covered cliff and rock Set

E.V.E Ivy Bonsai {Frozen}


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