Princess Moon.

- Outfit -

☑ The Crystal Heart Festival

Tops: RARE *{( konpeitou )}* Rose Moon -  2 nehalenia
Under: RARE *{( konpeitou )}* Rose Moon - under
Collar: *{( konpeitou )}* Rose Moon - 3 lady collar
Piercing: *{( konpeitou )}* Rose Moon - 5 star piercing
Jewelry: *{( konpeitou )}* Rose Moon - 6 moon jewelry
Tears jewelry: *{( konpeitou )}* Rose Moon - 7 tears jewelry
Clogs: *{( konpeitou )}* Rose Moon - 8 heart clogs (mait high)
Tabi: *{( konpeitou )}* Rose Moon - 10 Tabi rose garden

Hair: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Rumiko hair-Black&White set

Pose: Wings Pose 5 - Label Motion

‐ Deco -

☑ Gacha

8f8 - Wondrous Journey - Water Lilies Path
8f8 - Wondrous Journey - Shrooms BIG - Quiet Blue
8f8 - Wondrous Journey - Shrooms BIG - Sky Blue

{anc} bloom / bottle chair [iruka blue] 3Li
{anc} bloom / bottle chair [salmon pink] 3Li
{anc} bloom. orchid guppy / air [milk white] 2Li RARE
{anc} bloom. orchid guppy / air [sakura pink] 2Li


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