Japan Xmas...coming soon

✖- Outfit -✖

Outfit: *{( konpeitou )}* X'mas hat -RED-
*{( konpeitou )}* X'mas kimono -RED-
*{( konpeitou )}* X'mas okobo
*{( konpeitou )}* X'mas poncho

( Lost&Found coming soon December 22 ~START )

Hair: [DUE] Shelly . B&W, Red 

Ring: UNISEX-[MANDALA]Sinra Rings Season3

Pose: Summer girl::6 (::sakupose::)

✖- Furniture -✖
8f8 - Wondrous Journey - The Voyager
8f8 - Wondrous Journey - Water Lilies Path
8f8 - Wondrous Journey - Shrooms BIG - White Exclusive
8f8 - Wondrous Journey - Shrooms BIG - Black Exclusive
8f8 - Wondrous Journey - Shrooms BIG - MIX WRBB Exclusive

{anc} mist cloud&nebra beads [Heavenlyblue]
{anc} ocean dust //  field 1prim SCULPT
{anc} ocean dust // animated 1Li MESH

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